
Problem and purpose. The article actualizes the problem of the features of volitional self-regulation of girls studying in the specialties of secondary professional education in the context of distance learning. The purpose of the article is to study the psychological characteristics of volitional self-regulation in students in conditions of distance learning using information technologies. Methodology. Methods of empirical research of psychological characteristics of volitional self-regulation of personality, statistical and comparative methods of analysis were used in the work. The study of the problem of volitional self-regulation of the personality allows to solve the problems of correcting the psycho-functional structure of the personality on the basis of which students build an algorithm for the upcoming information, technical and educational activities. In the context of distance learning, volitional self-regulation becomes a decisive condition for the successful mastering of knowledge in solving educational problems and improving professional skills. The results of the study show that most of the students in the specialties of secondary professional education consciously relate to the distance learning mode, show persistence, active independent initiative in mastering the educational material. A low level of volitional self-regulation, self-control, psychological activity and reflection of students causes a decrease in working capacity, does not ensure the sustainability of interest in educational activities, interferes with the implementation of educational tasks, makes it difficult to independently control personal motives for learning, coordinate their actions in accordance with changing conditions. Conclusion. It was revealed that students in the process of adaptation to the conditions of distance learning, depending on the individual, psychophysiological characteristics of the body, use the possibilities of changing the level of volitional self-regulation and psychological activity, which allows them, first of all, to maintain the mental state of emotional comfort, reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress and respond adequately to new learning conditions.

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