
There is a contradiction between the need to increase the ability of young people to overcome difficult life situations and the lack of understanding of ways and means to increase their viability. The hypothesis of the study is that students with different levels of autonomy have different severity of viability indicators. The study involved 107 girls and 70 young men. Researchers used the survey method. We used Student's t-test to identify the significance of differences in indicators. The article describes the levels of autonomy – low, medium and high. Autonomous, with external support, girls and boys predominate. There are more dependent girls than boys. Autonomous girls have high activity, self-esteem, social competency, adaptive styles of behaviour. Autonomous young men have high activity, positive attitudes, self-esteem,social competency, adaptive styles, self-efficacy, perseverance, internal locus, coping with stress, and satisfaction with relationships. Autonomous students with external support and autonomous students with internal support have high viability scores.

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