
The relevance of the research topic is caused by the emergence of serious scientific interest in the study of value orientations in the system of succession of generations at the present stage. The article is devoted to topical issues of generational continuity and the specifics of the formation of intergenerational ties, in order to identify the features of the value attitudes of modern youth, manifested in ways of behavior that are not characteristic of the Russian mentality in relation to the older generation.The purpose of this article is the need to identify and study the features of the formation of value orientations in the process of intergenerational relations in modern society.Objectives: to study the values of modern society in the system of generational succession; to identify the features of the relationship between the younger and older generations; to show the transformation of the system of intergenerational ties in modern conditions that form the basis of the process of generational succession of society.Methodology. In the process of writing the article, methods of systemic, structural and functional analysis were used, methods of comparison, observation, and questioning were used in the process of studying value orientations in the system of generational succession.Results. The practical significance of the article lies in the use of provisions and conclusions in the creation of family information policy of the state, aimed at strengthening ties between generations. A sociological study conducted within the framework of the problem under study made it possible to determine the attitude of young people to the older generation, analyze the features of value preferences and attitudes among young people in the system of generational succession, which revealed the need for dialogue between generations as an opportunity to ensure harmonious interaction at the intergenerational level.Conclusions. The transformational processes affecting the institution of the family, caused by modern trends in the socio-economic and political spheres, reflected in the emergence of new value attitudes among the younger generation, which are based on the dominance of individual values, without taking into account the unique, socio-cultural experience of the older generation, had a significant impact on the state of the system of traditional succession of generations. In these conditions, it is necessary to re-establish contacts that promote the establishment of traditional ties between generations, in which they will be interested in order to continue the historical and socio-cultural continuity of generations.

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