
The article reveals the peculiarities of using the project-based method to develop a set of communication and professional skills in future specialists in Information Systems and Technologies. As the development of modern IT is a fast-paced and dynamic process, future professionals need to be prepared to work on real projects and collaborate effectively in teams. The application of the project-based method provides students with opportunities to learn how to communicate, distribute responsibilities, and work as a team, while gaining experience in working with information systems and technologies and developing practical skills.
 The study analyzes the works of domestic and foreign educators who have researched the theoretical foundations of the project-based method, as well as scientific papers that explore the specifics of pedagogical design and the development of students' self-organizational abilities. The authors of the article place a special emphasis on developing the self-organizational abilities and professional self-improvement of future IT professionals, using the project-based method in the study of the educational component "Mobile Application Development". Students are given the task of developing a functional mobile application from scratch, which includes requirements analysis, user interface design, functionality development, testing, optimization, and project presentation. Each student can take on a specific role in the project, communicate, and exchange ideas with other team members. The outcome of the project is a functional mobile application that serves as evidence of their skills and knowledge in mobile application development.
 The article highlights the importance of using the project-based method in teaching mobile application development, which contributes to the development of students' self-organizational abilities, creative thinking, and independence. These competencies are essential in the modern IT industry and help future professionals to successfully compete in the job market.

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