
The article is devoted to studying the influence of exercises with a step-platform on the dynamics of development and improvement of physical abilities of athletes in sports aerobics. The purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of the use of step-platform for the development of physical abilities of girls engaged in sports aerobics at the stage of basic training. To solve the problems of the study, the following methods were used: study, analysis, systematization and synthesis of literature on the topic of the study; questionnaires; pedagogical experiment; testing the level of development of physical abilities: flexibility, strength, speed strength and coordination abilities and endurance, mathematical and statistical methods. The study involved 20 girls who were involved in aerobic sports in the basic training groups of the fourth year. They were 11-12 years old by the beginning of the experiment. All subjects were divided into a control and experimental group of 10 athletes in each. For girls, the pilot group was to introduce six step-platform exercises over a 12-week period. Each of the developed complexes is aimed at the preferential development of one of the physical abilities requiring a high level of development in sports aerobics. The study proved that the systematic inclusion in training exercises of special exercises with step-platforms for three months contributed to a statistically probable increase in flexibility (at p<0.01), explosive force (at p<0.02), aerobic endurance (at p< 0.02) and strength endurance and agility (at p<0.05). In the construction of complexes should be used exercises aimed at increasing the level of both general physical preparedness and special.

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