
The spectral structure of microseismic noise in the frequency range of 0.01-40 Hz at different times of the day and year, recorded by broadband equipment at eight IRIS group seismic stations in Tajikistan in 2005-2020, was analyzed. Two disjoint frequency ranges are distinguished, which we conditionally call "high-frequency" (2-40 Hz) and "low-frequency" (0.01-0.75 Hz) noise, separated by a natural drop in the noise amplitude to 20-30 Db. It is assumed that the high-frequency range of noise has a local nature, due to exogenous sources of natural origin in the form of wind gusts, concussions from powerful watercourses and fluctuations in the level of large reservoirs, as well as man-made in-terference due to road and quarry explosions, the work of large industrial enterprises and concussions from road traffic. Low-frequency noise is most likely caused by global storm microseisms. High-frequency noise has a well-defined daily frequency, which is completely absent in low-frequency noise. At the same time, in both frequency ranges, the existence of a clearly pronounced seasonal peri-odicity has been established, the amplitude of which reaches 6-7 Db for high-frequency noise and about half as much for low-frequency noise. However, at the same time, the seasonal frequency of high frequency and low-frequency noise turns out to be antiphase, which indicates in favor of the different genesis of these two components of microseismic noise. The amplitude of the diurnal periodicity in variations of the high-frequency noise level is maximal during the daytime, remaining approximately constant for 8-10 hours. At the same time, the decline in the noise amplitude in the evening lasts longer than the steeper morning growth. The time intervals of a sharp increase and decrease in the intensity of the discussed daily extreme are quite well correlated, respectively, with morning and evening twilight at different times of the year. This is reflected in the wider flat part of the maximum noise level in summer compared to winter and the differences in its level up to 6 Db in favor of summer time. This observation can be considered as a manifestation of the deep influence of the Sun on the oscillatory processes that generate high-frequency microseismic noise.


  • It is assumed that the high-frequency range of noise has a local nature, due to exogenous sources of natural origin in the form of wind gusts, concussions from powerful watercourses and fluctuations in the level of large reservoirs, as well as man-made interference due to road and quarry explosions, the work of large industrial enterprises and concussions from road traffic

  • Low-frequency noise is most likely caused by global storm microseisms

  • High-frequency noise has a well-defined daily frequency, which is completely absent in low-frequency noise

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Система наблюдений

В настоящее время, благодаря наличию обширной базы данных регистрации микросейсмического шума, созданной на базе IRIS. В настоящей работе рассматриваются данные регистрации микросейсмического шума на сейсмостанциях Таджикской национальной сейсмической сети, расположенных на территории Таджикистана [Гармский ..., 2004]. В отличие от работы [Дещеревский и др., 2021], в настоящем исследовании использовались все станции, расположенные на территории Таджикистана. При этом привлекались к анализу данные шума по трём каналам. Список этих станций приведён в таблице, а на рис. Поскольку используемые станции располагались в разных районах с различным уровнем шума: в пределах индустриальных районов, вблизи водохранилищ, в районах с высокой сейсмичностью или практически её полного отсутствия, то исходные ряды имели шаг дискретизации исходных данных в 0.5 час и осреднение в 1 час [Casey et al, 2018; McNamara, Boaz, 2006]. Включая зависимость чувствительности от частоты, согласно приведённой выше ссылке, показан на рис. Включая зависимость чувствительности от частоты, согласно приведённой выше ссылке, показан на рис. 2

Название английское русское
Условия установки регистрирующей аппаратуры
Внутрисуточные среднечасовые спектры микросейсмического шума
Вариации спектра шума в различное время суток
Вариации спектра шума в различное время года
Свойства среднесуточных вариаций по станциям
Наличие недельной модуляции шума в промышленных районах
Изменения формы суточной вариации шума в различные времена года
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