
When changing the structural properties of road construction materials, their compaction technologies should be improved with the choice of the best compaction means and their technological modes of operation in specific conditions of work conduction. For a mixture evacuated at an asphalt concrete plant that has increased water and frost resistance characteristics, as well as changed rheological parameters, it is also necessary to determine the technological parameters of the compaction means used, taking into account the features of its rheological characteristics. The compaction technology of vacuum-treated hot asphalt-concrete mix by pneumatic wheel roller with the determination of the necessary number of passes on the trail, speed modes along the roller passages and the magnitude of the air pressure in the tires of the roller has been developed. Using a promising rheological approach, the dynamics of accumulation of the asphalt concrete mixture layer density along the roller passages was studied by simulation modeling, and the time when the pneumatic roller was finished and the compaction work was transferred to heavy smooth rollers was determined. Changing the rheological properties of the vacuum-treated asphalt mix increases the efficiency of its compaction, reducing material costs, increasing the productivity of compaction tools while improving the quality and durability of road asphalt pavements. Keywords: hot asphalt-concrete mix, rheological properties, water and frost resistance of asphalt concrete, road roller, compaction.

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