
Introduction. Cardiac surgeries using cardiopylmonary bypass (CB) have been successfully performed for more than 60 years, but at present it is necessary to further study the changes in tissue hemodynamics during interventions to minimize possible iatrogenic complications. One of these tissues available for direct observation of the vessels of the microvasculature is the retina. Aim – to study the structural and functional state of the retina in patients who underwent cardiac surgery with the use of CB, and to identify potential factors that negatively affect the retinal blood flow. Materials and methods. The clinical study involved 10 patients (20 eyes). All patients before cardiac surgery using CB and 10–14 days after it underwent visometry, perimetry, non-contact tonometry, biomicroscopy, reverse binocular ophthalmoscopy, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography of the retina of the macular region and optic nerve head with determination of the thickness of the layer of ganglion cell and the layer of nerve fibers. To carry out CB, pharmaco-cold cardioplegia was performed with the Custodiol solution using unified surgical and anesthetic tactics. CB was performed on a device with disposable membrane oxygenators (Strockert, Germany) under normothermic conditions, blood circulation was provided with non-pulsating blood flow with a volumetric flow rate of 2.4–2.8 L/min/m2 at an initial dose of heparin of 300 U/kg. Results. The studies revealed a correlation between changes in the histoarchitectonics of the retina and the level of mean arterial pressure (MAP). So, in 30 % of patients, the appearance of ischemic foci along the vascular arcades was found. In 10 % of patients, a decrease in the thickness of the ganglion layer and the layer of retinal nerve fibers was reported as a result of impaired blood circulation in the vessels supplying the optic nerve. Conclusion. Increase in MAP up to 90 mm Hg and above and fluctuations in its level of more than 20 mm Hg (p<0.05) during cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass in 67 % of cases is accompanied by transient disturbance of regional blood circulation at the level of vessels of the microvasculature of the retina with the appearance of ischemic foci in the retinal tissue. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully monitor the MAP parameters during the cardiopulmonary bypass to prevent circulatory disorders in various organs and tissues of the body.


  • cardiopylmonary bypass (CB) was performed on a device with disposable membrane oxygenators (Strockert, Germany) under normothermic conditions, blood circulation was provided with non-pulsating blood flow with a volumetric flow rate of 2.4–2.8 L/min/m2 at an initial dose of heparin of 300 U/kg

  • The studies revealed a correlation between changes in the histoarchitectonics of the retina and the level of mean arterial pressure (MAP)

  • In 10 % of patients, a decrease in the thickness of the ganglion layer and the layer of retinal nerve fibers was reported as a result of impaired blood circulation in the vessels supplying the optic nerve

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Материалы и методы исследования

Клиническое исследование проведено на базе офтальмологической клиники СибГМУ и отделения сердечно-сосудистой хирургии Томского НИМЦ НИИ кардиологии. В исследование не включались пациенты, имеющие патологию сетчатки и (или) зрительного нерва различного генеза, а также непрозрачные оптические среды (помутнение роговицы, незрелая катаракта). Всем больным до кардиохирургической операции с использованием ИК и на 10–14-й день после вмешательства проводили офтальмологическое обследование, включающее в себя визометрию, перимет­ рию, бесконтактную тонометрию (Tomey, Япония), биомикроскопию переднего отрезка глаза, обратную бинокулярную офтальмоскопию, фоторегистрацию глазного дна, оптическую когерентную томографию (ОКТ) сетчатки макулярной области и диска зрительного нерва (ДЗН) с определением толщины ганглиозного слоя и слоя нервных волокон (Topcon Corporation, Япония). Искусственную вентиляцию легких проводили при помощи аппарата Primus (Dräger, Германия) по полузакрытому контуру в режиме Controlled Mandatory Ventilation с управлением по объему с положительным давлением конца выдоха 5 см Н2О, дыхательным объемом 6–8 мл/к‌ г идеальной массы тела, с частотой ­дыхательных движений, www.microcirc.ru 20 (3) / 2021 Regional blood circulation and microcirculation. Changes in the data of ophthalmological examination of patients before and after cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass, Me [25; 75]

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