
The lack of a mechanism for consideration and resolution of esports disputes, as well as the imperfection of legal regulation of esports legal relations, cause the legal defenselessness of esports players.
 Objective: to study problematic issues in the consideration of disputes related to the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of an esports athlete, to propose recommendations aimed at the need to define the concept of esports and the place of an esports athlete in the system of sports legislation, as well as to search for optimal solutions to improve the procedure for resolving esports disputes.
 Methodological basis: general scientific and private scientific methods were used to achieve the purpose of the article. The general scientific method was used to analyze the current regulatory regulation of the Russian Federation in comparison with the legislation of Germany and USA. The private scientific method allowed to formulate the concept of an esports athlete, to establish the need for a definition of esports. Methods of analysis and synthesis and generalization of judicial practice were also used.
 Results: the author’s position on the consolidation of the concept of esports and esports athlete, the recognition of technological doping as a type of doping, the involvement of esports athletes in rule-making activities and the need to improve the qualifications of arbitrators in the field of esports, as well as the importance of creating a centralized institution that considers esports disputes, is argued.
 Conclusions: Today’s regulatory regulation of civil procedural legislation has caused a great need for lawmakers to take steps aimed at legislating cybersportsmen as subjects of cybersport disputes, as well as planned measures to establish a single body that resolves cybersport disputes.

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