
The article deals with the peculiarities of organizational forms of entrepreneurship: joint-stock companies. On the basis of the study of basic laws and legislative acts on joint-stock company the basic rules on the opening and organization of joint-stock form of enterprise are systematized. The prerequisites for creation and effective functioning of joint stock companies are revealed. The issues of formation of the authorized capital, the main types, features and differences of shares, as well as their role in the activities of the company are considered. The basic constituent documents of a joint stock company, management bodies, conditions of liquidation and reorganization are studied in detail. In this case, the joint stock company is considered as a special form of organizational and legal form of enterprise, and its relationship to the stock market is defined. The main advantages of joint-stock companies are revealed and conclusions about their significance and role in the system of national economy are drawn. The role of joint stock companies in the development of the economy is substantiated by specific conclusions. The importance and necessity of joint-stock company in the development of entrepreneurship in the country were considered. The obstacles to the development of joint stock companies, taking into account their features in comparison with other organizational forms were revealed. Insufficient development of the stock market in Kazakhstan has had a significant impact on the activities of joint stock companies. Therefore, one of the key issues is the development of the stock market, increasing the investment attractiveness of joint stock companies, their liquidity and market value of shares.

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