
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of the organization of creative activity in history lessons in secondary school. Currently, the relevance of this methodology has increased significantly, which is associated with changes in standards in the field of education. Creative activity at school contributes to the development of personal qualities of schoolchildren in unity with professional skills of creative and inventive activity. The systematic work of a history teacher to develop the creative abilities of middle school students orients them to show interest in independent intellectual activity, the need for their own research of historical processes and phenomena, the desire to master intellectual skills and abilities, the need for active creative activity. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize the features of the organization of creative activity in history lessons at school in grades 6-7. At the same time, the choice of age is due to the fact that, on the one hand, students already have a primary base of necessary skills and abilities, and on the other hand, they are still distinguished by sincere interest and willingness to realize their undiscovered creative potential. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of studying the modern educational environment. In the course of practical activity and theoretical generalization, an appeal was made to the technology of creative developing learning, to the method of artistic performance, which allows organizing joint activities of teachers and students on the basis of mastering artistic means of expressing their aesthetic understanding and attitude to historical reality. At the same time, creativity is considered in inseparable connection with educational and research activities. In conclusion, it is concluded that the implementation of the lesson with the use of creative activity is carried out through the use of various forms of creative activity, including such as problem-based learning, project activities, conducting non-traditional lessons.

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