
The article is devoted to consideration of the peculiarities of the formation of multicultural competence of cadets in the process of learning a professionally oriented foreign language, as well as the issue of mastering foreign language communication skills as an important element of the formation of multicultural competence of cadets of military institutions of higher education. The article highlights the relevance of the formation of multicultural competence for future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in modern conditions. Based on the analysis of various scientists’ researches, the essence of the concept of multicultural competence of cadets of military institutions of higher education is revealed, its structure is defined as the unity of cognitive processual and personal axiological components. The role of communication in a foreign language and the development of its skills in the formation of the mentioned phenomenon during the training of cadets in military institutions of higher education is substantiated. The forms and methods of educational work that contribute to the successful formation of skills and abilities of multicultural competence as one of the components of the professional training of future military specialists are presented. For example, involvement in participation in the work of sections, discussions, such as conferences, meetings, quizzes, etc.
 The examples of the use of authentic materials meant to increrase the level of formation of cadets' polycultural competence while learning a foreign language such as advertising brochures, posters, excursion leaflets, guidebooks, etc., are considered. The importance and necessity of forming such a professionally significant quality as tolerance, which has verbal and non-verbal expression in speech and is a core element of intercultural communication, is emphasized. Examples of language parameters of tolerance and intolerance, such as flexibility of speech, referentiality, etc., are provided.
 Key words: polycultural competence; cadet; military institution of higher education; communication in a foreign language; professional activity; tolerance.

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