
The article examines the essence and peculiarities of the marketing policy of small business in the conditions of Russia's military aggression in Ukraine. The main problems of marketing activities at small enterprises have been identified. The article proves that to the specific problems of small business enterprises were added those related to doing business in war conditions: lack of finances, personnel problems, problems with the energy sector, production capacities (lack of significant reserves of raw materials, products, rising prices for raw materials, destruction of infrastructure, the need to transfer business to safer regions), logistical limitations, changes in partnership relations, new challenges, related to the need to organize safe working conditions etc. The need to adapt the marketing policy of small businesses to new economic realities is indicated. The list of advantages inherent in small business enterprises, which are the basis for stability in war conditions, is systematized. Recommendations are provided for the formation of an effective marketing policy, taking into account the peculiarities of small business in the conditions of Russia's military aggression in Ukraine: to become as flexible and adaptable as possible, with the possibility of immediate decision-making "without wasting time"; be ready for reorientation to the creation of a product-analog or product-substitute, even to a complete change of the main direction of activity, to entering foreign markets; reduce the cost of products and services; carry out an analysis of costs with the aim of their optimization; apply alternative methods of attracting funds; maintain an image, a good reputation among one's own audience, form a balanced marketing strategy, use military themes in advertising as tactfully as possible; form a flexible price policy for the offered goods and services, taking into account the decrease in the purchasing power of the population; optimize personnel policy; use "budget" marketing tools as widely as possible; actively use marketing services based on artificial intelligence.

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