
Abstract. In the world of the problem of the formation and development of students' personality, the study of their creative potential becomes important, since the modern speed of life constantly requires from the individual skills that allow to be creative and react productively to any changes. The relevance of the problem of studying and developing creative potential is especially increasing in modern conditions of existence, with a high rate of change in the world, with the ever-growing need to adapt to new conditions, to show flexibility, originality and speed both in any field of professional activity and in one's own life.
 During the Russian-Ukrainian war, the conditions of students' education changed significantly due to the introduction of distance education, the introduction of irregular vacations, the interruption of classes due to air raids or the disappearance of the Internet, etc. In this regard, the organization of the educational process has become much more difficult for teachers and students, as everyone is forced to constantly adapt to changing conditions. At the same time, the use of the information and communication capabilities of the Internet makes educational activity flexible, variable, multi-vector, enables interaction between the teacher and the student and, on this basis, promotes the development of personal needs, interests and creative abilities of the students of education.
 Despite the fact that Ukrainian students flexibly respond to the challenges of the realities of life, it is still a very difficult task for teachers to notice and develop creative potential in such conditions. In this regard, the study of the creative potential of students and the peculiarities of its manifestation in educational activities, in our opinion, is relevant and timely for institutions of higher education.
 In the process of research, the psychological characteristics of students with a high level of creative potential, but with different levels of academic achievements, were studied. Disagreements were established according to the following indicators: general anxiety, level of self-esteem, level of professional motivation and attitude to the future profession.
 Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific literature and the results of empirical research, it was found that there are psychological factors that determine the manifestation of students' creative potential in educational activities. Students who do not fully demonstrate their creative potential in educational activities need additional psychological influence on the development and correction of professional motivation, self-esteem and emotional state.

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