
The article is devoted to the consideration of such a resonant crime as genocide. The purpose of the article is to form an idea ofgenocide as a crime, its investigation on the basis of analyzed regulations and investigations of this category of crimes.Particular attention is paid to the definition of the term “genocide” in accordance with national and international law (the definitionof the term is considered in the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide).The procedure of recognizing acts as genocide (the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine; deportation of Crimean Tatars fromCrimea in 1944 as genocide of the Crimean Tatar people) and coverage of such events by the international community is studied.The process of genocide investigation is considered, taking into account the term of the crime, the number of victims and thedamage caused.One of the most resonant crimes provided by the Law of Ukraine on Criminal Liability is genocide. The scale of this illegal acthas aroused civil society for a long time, but only now, in the territory of independent Ukraine, it is possible to identify those responsiblefor the genocide and bring them to justice. It is impossible to ignore the fact that the investigation of genocide and the prosecution ofthose responsible for its commission is an extremely relevant process that requires special knowledge and skills in conducting an investigation.Officials who gather evidence in criminal proceedings, find persons involved in the crime and carry out other actions aimedat establishing the truth in the case, bear a huge burden of responsibility in the form of evidence.The investigation process consists of a set of necessary investigative (search) actions and must meet the requirements for theirconduct. It is necessary to involve in the investigation trained officers who have knowledge in this area and can clearly formulate a planof investigative (search) actions, and move in this direction.


  • Залучати до проведення розслідування необхідно підготовлених співробітників, які володіють знаннями у цій сфері та можуть чітко сформувати план слідчих (розшукових) дій та рухатись у вказаному напрямі

  • Що слідчими проводиться суттєвий перелік слідчих дій з метою притягнення винних до відповідальності[10]

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Залучати до проведення розслідування необхідно підготовлених співробітників, які володіють знаннями у цій сфері та можуть чітко сформувати план слідчих (розшукових) дій та рухатись у вказаному напрямі. А також інших дослідників, які досліджували питання нормативно-правового забезпечення процедурного механізму розслідування такого злочину, як геноцид.

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