
The conducted studies of the functioning of agriculture in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as the basis of food supply made it possible to identify its regional features. Having rich natural resources, the republic cannot fully provide the local population with the necessary food. The region’s provision level with meat is still below 30%, with milk and vegetables - below 60%. This is due to several factors affecting agriculture in the region and insufficient funding from the state. Scientific studies show a reduction in the number of cattle over the past 20 years from 289.7 to 180.9 thousand heads, or by 37.56%, due to a decrease in the forage base in the context of a reduction in pasture and hayfield areas. The territorial location of the Republic in the northern regions of Russia, the sharply continental climate, the peculiar way of life, the high level of urbanisation and the outflow of residents to the other areas of the country dictate the need for priority state support. Currently, the region is managed based on targeted programs. However, state support funds are inconsistent and unstable, which causes the need to develop organisational and economic measures for the sustainable development of the region’s industry and improve the current state support mechanism with an emphasis on the conservation and reproduction of local animal breeds (Yakut breed of cattle), the development of gene pool farms in the region, the preservation of traditional industries and the rural way of life.

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