
The production technology of hydrometallurgical zinc uses various surfactants to thicken pulps, stabilise the electrolysis process, and obtain high-quality cathode deposits. Numerous researches were conducted to study the cathodic and anodic processes in a wide range of the composition of aqueous solutions using various solid electrodes in the absence of intense stirring of the electrolyte and with a high contribution of the migration component of the discharge of metals. This approach to the study of the surfactants’ influence rarely provided a high degree of statistical reliability in observing the effect of differently charged surfactants on electrode processes, which is of great importance in the hydrometallurgical production of zinc. In this work, the task was to practically eliminate the contribution of the migration component due to the followingfactors: conducting electrolysis in a background solution of sodium sulphate, organising electrolyte stirring, performing calculations of current densities at the beginning of electrolysis, and establishing polarisation curves at an increased potential sweep rate from 20 to 100 mV/s. This approach provided a greater degree of statistical reliability in presenting the mechanism of the effect of additions of cationic and anionic surfactants during the stage of zinc discharge on a solid electrode, which was the purpose of the article.Electrolysis was conducted in the potential range from -1050 to -1250 mV relative to the silver chloride electrode (AgCl/Ag) in the presence of a background sodium sulphate solution (0.5 M of Na2SO4 solution) containing 0.005, 0.0125, and 0.025 M ZnSO4 with the introduction of high-molecular surfactants: cationic and anionic coagulants (flocculants) and foaming agents (lignosulphonate – LSTP).During the electrolysis in a background solution of sodium sulphate with stirring, it was found that the process of discharge of zinc ions on a solid electrode occurs in a mixed-kinetic mode. It was shown that positively charged additives, such as lignosulphonate and cationic coagulant (flocculant) Besfloc K6645, have a negative effect on the dynamics of zinc cation discharge, while negatively charged Besfloc K4034 has practically no effect. The approach proposed in this work allows evaluating the influence of additions of cationic and anionic surfactants on the stage of zinc discharge on a solid electrode, which was the practical and scientific value of this work

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