
he decrease in the size of the world's forest area is a cause for concern. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamics of the world's forests and the reasons for deforestation. We used quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate the dynamics and trends in the growth of world forests. The study examined specifics of forest growth conditions around the globe over a thirty-year period employing statistical research methods. We analyzed the tendencies of changes in forest areas by continents and identified countries and continents with the largest increase and decrease in forest areas. Since deforestation and reforestation are the main components that affect the size and change of forest spaces, the paper clarified the conceptual apparatus. In addition, the author highlighted specifics of deforestation in different hemispheres. This approach varies from those of the FAO, which claims that there is no deforestation in the northern countries, since there is no massive clearing of forests for agriculture, and most clearings and burnt areas quickly regrow. To characterize the productivity of forests we considered some indicators as the main parameters. Analysis of the change in the carbon stock in the world's forests, the dynamics of the main indicators of the productivity of the world's forests by continent for 1990–2020. made it possible to analyze the main trends in their change and draw appropriate conclusions. It allows us to correct the forest management system for preserving forest spaces and increasing the productivity of forests.

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