
То enhance the efficiency of treatment of patients with diabetic nephropathy, to prolong survival, and to improve life quality in them, the specific features of the clinical cause and the pattern of morbidity, the authors studied 28 patients with diabetes mellitus and the priority factors aggravating the course of diabetic nephropathy during renal replacement therapy. Their experience in treating patients with diabetes mellitus with programmed hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis was analyzed. Cardiovascular diseases, the dyslipidemic syndrome that signals about progressive atherosclerosis of the aorta and coronary arteries rank first among a diversity of factors that aggravate prognosis, deteriorate life quality in patients with diabetic nephropathy, and promote the development of a fatal outcome. Hyper-(f-microglobulia develops along with dialysis amyloidosis. Immunity tension decreases and infectious complications develop in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Cardiovascular diseases in patients with diabetic nephropathy are poor factors leading to sudden coronary death in severe cases. An individual approach to treating patients with diabetes mellitus complicated by nephropathy resulting in chronic renal failure makes it possible to optimize the success rates of programmed hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis and to prolong their life span by 4-5 years.

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