
An approach to numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of composite structures with discrete inclusions is presented in the paper. The finite element method is used as the main method, namely its modification – the moment finite-element scheme. The moment scheme, in contrast to the classic scheme of finite elements, allows to avoid such negative properties as not taking in consideration the rigid rotation of the finite element and “false” shear. If both the material of the matrix and the material of the reinforcing inclusions are weakly compressible, then problems arise due to the fact that some elastic constants approach very large values. The Taylor series expansion of the components of the displacement vector, the components of the strain tensor, and the volume change function is used in order to eliminate the mentioned shortcomings, after that, according to the moment scheme, certain sums are removed from these expansions. Homogenization of the material with lamellar inclusions, a small proportion of spherical inclusions, and a large proportion of spherical inclusions is used for modeling the elastic properties of the composite. The chaotic nature of the location of inclusions after homogenization makes it possible to present a non-homogeneous composite material as a homogeneous quasi-isotropic one. The described approaches are used in the construction of the stiffness matrix of the spatial hexagonal finite element. The obtained expressions for the stiffness matrix are done in the software package for calculating structures from composite materials. The calculation of a thick-walled pipe under the action of internal pressure from a composite material with lamellar inclusions, a small proportion of spherical inclusions, and a large proportion of spherical inclusions was carried out using the software package. For different volume fractions of discrete inclusions, the numerical convergence of the results with different finite element meshes has been investigated, which shows great congruence with analytical solutions.

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