
Increasing the production of milk and dairy products to provide the population of country with complete-fl edged food is an important task, which requires not only increasing the productivity of animals, but also using energy- and resource-saving technologies in their production to increase the eff ectiveness and profi tability of the industry. New solutions for the development of agricultural enterprises should take into account the requirements of time not only to increase production, but also to reduce prime-costs for it. In a market economy in the fi eld of agriculture in particular in dairy farming in the chain from the supplier of raw materials to the sale of the fi nal product, the least profi table is the production of raw materials. Therefore, the use of mini dairy shops for processing milk directly in the conditions of an agricultural enterprise should increase the eff ectiveness of dairy cattle breeding. The issues of effi ciency of milk processing under the conditions of an agricultural enterprise using a modular dairy shop for the production of fi nished dairy products have been considered in the paper. In the considered modular dairy shops traditional technological processes for the production of pasteurized milk and sour cream are used. Modular dairy shop KOLAKS-5001 only processing pasteurized milk with fat content of 3,71 %, packaged in plastic bags and modular dairy shop KOLAKS-5002 processing pasteurized milk 2,5 % fat, packaged in plastic bags and sour cream 20 % fat, packaged in plastic cups. As a result of the evaluation of the effi ciency of using a modular dairy shop, it was found that it will increase the eff ectiveness of milk production and pay back for equipment costs within 1,5 months.

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