
Methodical approaches to the study of lyrics in literature lessons are disclosed in the article, in particular, its role in the formation of literary competence in students of general secondary education institutions. It is noted that lyrics are the most mobile of all genres of literature and have the greatest potential in shaping the emotional sphere of students and great educational opportunities. Various methodical algorithms for the study of lyric poetry are analyzed, in particular, the fact that lyrics are divided into civil, or political, philosophical, intimate, or personal, landscape, according to the subject matter and leading motives.According to the structure and method of organizing the material, lyrics are divided into reflexively expressive, narrative, and descriptive. In addition, there are also mixed structures of lyric works, that is, those that have features of all types. Studentsʼ perception and understanding of lyric works is determined by many factors: features of lyric poetry; the originality of the poetʼs artistic manner; the character of the ideological content of the works; general development of children, their life experience.The generic features of lyrical works determine the specificity of their study, which is associated with a number of related problems. One of them is the analysis of the image of the lyrical hero. The second problem of studying poetry is its poetic form (the peculiarity of the poetic language, its feet and size, strophic structure, etc.). Reading a work in class is a very important stage of its analysis, and for some types of lyrics it is also the main one. Pupils receive the first emotional impressions, on which the perception of poetry in general depends to a large extent. An important problem in the study of lyrics is its poetic form (the peculiarity of the poetic language, its feet and size, strophic structure, etc.). Lyrical works are somewhat difficult to perceive not only by teenagers, but often by high school students as well, therefore it is very important to create conditions for students to experience as fully as possible the feelings expressed in the studied poetry, to be imbued with thoughts. For this purpose, various methodological techniques are used. Studentsʼ interest in lyrical works must be constantly developed.
 Keywords: lyrics; lyrical works; literature lesson; lyrical hero; author; rhythm; content and form of the poem; expressive reading.

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