
Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of the presence of a connection between resilience and maladaptive schemas in students of different ages.
 Method. Studying of the correlation between resilience and maladaptive schemas among students of different ages has been conducted on a sample of 67 students of Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University students, aged 18 to 24, in the number of 67 people. As diagnostic material, the study uses Maddi’s Hardiness Survey; Young Schema Questionnaire “YSQ-S3R”. Methods of mathematical statistics include Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC). Correlation analysis has revealed the presence of strong inverse correlations between the resilience with maladaptive schemas “Vulnerability to Harm or Illness” and “Mistrust” (r=-0.578 and r=-0.499 at a significance level of p<0.01), “Subjugation” (r=-0.486), “Failure” (r=-0.443), “Unrelenting Standards” (r=-0.441), “Dependence/Incompetence” (r=-0.431) and “Defectiveness” (r=-0.424) at p<0.01.
 Results. The study has shown that resilience is a dynamic process caused by the age-psychological characteristics of an individual, including early maladaptive patterns of behavior. This is evidenced by differences in the structure of resilience in different age groups, as well as an increase in the level of resilience from youth to youth.
 Practical implications. The research materials can be used in the work of the psychological service of an educational organization. Understanding the detailed content of the process of becoming resilience contributes to the purposefulness of developmental and psychoprophylactic work.

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