
The article develops concept of strategic management as a system of actions necessary to achieve the goals, often in conditions of limited resources. The terms strategy, economic strategy and strategic management of economic security of regions are considered as a specific strategic action plan aimed at developing the economy of the regions, which, in turn, is manifested in the development of social, cultural and other areas of activity of the regions. The principles of strategic management of economic security of regions are characterized: systemic - strategic management should take into account all components of the region’s economy as a system, be aimed at different areas of economic security of both subjects and objects of economic development of regions, strategic measures should be systemic related economic security management processes; regularities - to take into account the regularities of regional development and to have institutional support; planning and continuity - strategic management should be continuous, the directions of economic security should not contradict and agree with each other, be reflected in regional integrated programs; Interactions - measures should be aimed at ensuring the security of regional development and be accompanied by coordinated actions of all participants in this process, including by bringing information to the subjects of strategic management measures. It is noted that the features of strategic management of economic security at the regional level in relation to the national, they include: - the close proximity of diversified regional producers who are able to respond quickly to changes in effective demand; - availability of local labor funds with a concentration of specific skills; - involvement of regional actors in transnational networks; - development of industrial and social regional infrastructure that contributes to economic security. The determinants of the meso-level are substantiated, according to the territorial aspect the following characteristics of the regions should be attributed: - resource provision and potential opportunities of the regions; - regional features; - development of regional infrastructure; - attractiveness of the region (regional level of employment and unemployment; standard of living in the region; investment attractiveness; availability of natural and other resources; branched transport infrastructure). The main obstacles to effective strategic management of economic security of the regions are revealed: distrust of business entities in the methods of public administration and reform of economic relations, administrative barriers and corruption component of economic activity, etc. However, the introduction and implementation of strategic management of economic security of regions in terms of decentralization of management form a competitive business environment, ensure economic development, stability and stability of the economic system of the region through the interest of all actors of economic security.

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