
The state youth policy requires deep study and justification by representatives of social sciences, including sociology and socio-economic geography, which allows us to synthesize various methods of studying society and its well-being. Social geography, having a spatial approach, allows us to determine the territorial features of the course of social phenomena, to identify cause-and-effect relationships between them, to study the general and specific features of the development of territorial communities and population strata. Using the example of Great Britain, China and Russia, the current social problems of young people in countries with different types of socio-economic development are revealed through a comparative analysis of socio-demographic processes. In the context of concepts of well-being, the article considers various aspects of social dependency as a new and little-studied phenomenon. It is revealed that the UK, which implements the liberal principle of public welfare policy, has extensive experience in social work with young people, and the pioneering research of NEET-youth is of international significance. In China social dependency has acquired specific forms, which is largely determined by the principle of egalitarianism, the consequences of demographic policy and traditional mentality. The analysis of modern problems of Russian youth has shown that the rejection of the paternalistic model of social protection of the population had a negative impact on the situation of young people. The article analyzes the results of statistical, sociological research, expert evaluation, included interviews, etc., which revealed the social problems of Russian, British and Chinese youth, including the phenomenon of dependency. It was revealed that the study of dependency in the framework of youth policy and social work will help to activate the younger generation, accelerate its inclusion in society, and improve technologies for solving social problems.

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