
The article is devoted to the formulation of the problem of synthesis of the control system of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with the participation of a human operator. An analysis is made of various approaches to the synthesis of systems, models of a human operator as a link in a tracking system, mathematical models and information support for complex human-machine systems, competencies required by UAV operators. The system considers a human operator as a dynamic link that performs compensatory monitoring of the relevant information that is presented on the monitor of the corresponding operator controlling the UAV or its target load in accordance with the task. On the basis of the analysis, a generalized scheme of the UAV control system and its target load is substantiated, a mathematical model of a human operator is studied in the form of a transfer function consisting of five elementary links that take into account the dynamic characteristics of the central nervous system, the delay of the neuromuscular system, the ability of the human operator to smooth random fluctuations of the information presented on the monitor screen received from the telemetry system. As a typical example of a human-machine control system, the ground control point of the multifunctional unmanned aerial complex “Busel” is considered, which includes two workplaces for the UAV control operator and the target load control operator, which is considered equipment designed to monitor objects located on the earth’s surface

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