
An election period involves a substantial growth in the flow of messages addressed to voters. News PR publications constitute a significant share of these messages; they have a number of structural and content features whose description with a comprehensive approach using linguo-stylistic and discursive textual analysis seems necessary to assess the political discourse’s impact potential. Pre-election PR publications modeling messages within non-direct communication include a dyadic sense-bearing structure evidenced by the presence of two main thoughts and two analytical estimates of the presented situations in the text’s logical pattern, corresponding to two addresser’s intentions – the explicit and the implicit one. Explicit elements have to do with the presentation of the publication’s newsworthy event; the implicit ones create a favorable image of the basic PR subject and contain recommendations of electoral nature. Such dual construction of media text’s sense-bearing structure is considered to be defective in the practice of literary editing but it is a certain pragmatic norm for political pre-election PR texts. Another feature of the abovementioned materials’ sense-bearing structure is the semantic uncertainty of a number of components and/or uncertainty of the logical links between them. Abandoning H. P. Grice’s premises – producing implicit meanings and semantically uncertain elements – has the purpose of creating an impacting effect whose assessment determines the prospects of subsequent research of news PR texts within the pre-election discourse.


  • News PR publications constitute a significant share of these messages; they have a number of structural and content features whose description with a comprehensive approach using linguo-stylistic and discursive textual analysis seems necessary to assess the political discourse’s impact potential

  • Pre-election PR publications modeling messages within non-direct communication include a dyadic sense-bearing structure evidenced by the presence of two main thoughts and two analytical estimates of the presented situations in the text’s logical pattern, corresponding to two addresser’s intentions – the explicit and the implicit one

  • Grice’s premises – producing implicit meanings and semantically uncertain elements – has the purpose of creating an impacting effect whose assessment determines the prospects of subsequent research of news PR texts within the pre-election discourse

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Признаки оптимизированности и селективности можно обнаружить с помощью анализа смысловой структуры медиатекста, которая в политических PR-публикациях имеет ряд особенностей, обусловленных непрямым характером коммуникации. Результаты и обсуждение Обратимся к характеристике новостных предвыборных PR-публикаций, яркой особенностью которых является диадный характер их смысловой структуры, проявляющийся в наличии двух главных мыслей (далее – ГМ) и двух аналитических оценок ситуации – выводов (далее – АОС) – эксплицитной и имплицитной. Рассмотрим в качестве примера PR-заметку «Школа XXI века в округе Александра Иванова», опубликованную в издании «На смену!» – «информационном бюллетене кандидата в губернаторы Кировградской области Александра Иванова», на 4-й странице которого содержится информация о том, что бюллетень изготовлен по заказу кандидата на должность губернатора и оплачен из средств его избирательного фонда.

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