
The normative regulation and problems of accounting of intangible assets in scientific institutions are considered. It is noted the introduction of modern accounting regulation in budgetary institutions only in 2015, which led to differences in the accounting of NA in scientific institutions. The practice of accounting for intangible assets (IA) in budgetary institutions indicates the need to improve regulations. The purpose of the article is to consider the example of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine regulatory regulation of accounting for intangible assets and issues of its improvement. It is emphasized that the accounting of NA in scientific institutions is essential for the commercialization of intellectual property rights, while the main difficulties in the introduction of accounting for intangible assets for scientific institutions were associated with the lack of modern budget regulations for accounting. The main stages of implementation of accounting of intangible assets in scientific institutions are given. It is important to amend the Methodological Recommendations on Accounting of NA and NPBO 122 regarding the definition of the concept of «use» of intangible assets, as well as the costs to be taken into account when determining the value of NA created in the institution. The issue of accounting for research and development reports is problematic. The terminology used in the regulations also needs to be clarified. Key words: intangible assets, valuation of IP, research institutions, accounting.

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