
It has been proven that modern conditions require a rethinking of approaches to ensuring the efficiency of land use at the regional level. Of particular importance is the use of modern tools for managing land relations, in particular, the formation of opportunities for the development and application of a multi-purpose cadastre, geoinformation systems, and the formation of several bases for land use monitoring. Monitoring procedures make it possible to form a basis for decision-making in the field of land relations based on modern mechanisms. Moreover, the application of national and international experience is of particular importance.
 The method of research is to identify the peculiarities of the implementation of land relations in modern conditions. To achieve the set goal, the following tasks are performed: the directions of the formation of cadastral systems are determined; proposed characteristics of monitoring.
 As a result of the study, it was established that the modern development of cadastral systems is aimed at the development and implementation of a multi-purpose real estate cadastre. Multi-purpose real estate cadastre at the regional level", which takes into account the combination of spatial, urban planning, investment and environmental support, which allowed to build a multi-level information system for the formation of several bases of real estate management at the regional level. 
 In the context of identifying the peculiarities of land relations, which allows for the monitoring of land use taking into account spatial, urban planning, socio-economic and environmental support through the use of geo-informational tools, which allowed to develop a theoretical and methodological basis for the formation and application of monitoring procedures at the regional level to increase the effectiveness of implementation . land relations.
 At the same time, spatial, urban planning, socio-economic and environmental support is singled out, which can form a multi-objective basis for the development and implementation of an integral assessment method for the formation and implementation of monitoring at the regional level.

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