
This article is devoted to the theoretical and practical analysis of the study of professional orientation of future teachers. The definition of the essence of the concept of «personality orientation» is analyzed. Orientation is the main structural component of personality in the form of a system of motives, which determines the selectivity of attitudes and activities of the individual; the basis of personality structure, which determines its proactive behavior, which goes beyond the reaction to external stimuli.
 It acts as a regulator of human behavior and activities. The problem of professional orientation of the person is studies and the peculiarities of the professional orientation of future specialists in the pedagogical field are substantiated.
 Professional orientation is determined by professional needs, interests, inclinations, guidelines and values of the individual. The development of professional orientation occurs in the process of professionalization of the individual, associated with the development of consciousness and self-awareness of the individual and affects the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.
 Professional orientation is a manifestation of the general orientation of the individual in work. Professional orientation of the individual as one of the leading conditions for the success of the individual in professional activities and as a basic characteristic of the professional’s personality.
 Professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual is one of the main in the personality structure of the teacher, which determines the system of its leading motives, interests, values, meaning, encourages the development of professionally important qualities, reflects a certain emotional and value attitude of a person to the teaching profession, manifests itself in a lasting in her and the student, and also affects the entire life of the individual and determines the characteristics of behavior.
 The main methods of research of features of professional orientation of future teachers are analyzed, meeting the requirements of standardization, validity, reliability: general orientation and professional orientation of the future teachers and their value orientations.
 The sample, stages of empirical research are characterized and the obtained results of studying the peculiarities of professional orientation of future pedagogical specialists are analyzed.

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