
Introduction. To determine the tactics of management of chronic lymphoproliferative syndrome in young children, a comprehensive examination is necessary. Herpesvirus infection (HVI) plays an important role in the etiology of hypertrophy of lymphoid formations of the pharynx.Purpose. To evaluate the results of preoperative diagnosis of chronic lymphoproliferative syndrome in children in early childhood.Materials and methods. In 96 patients aged 1 to 3 years 11 months with lymphoproliferative syndrome more than 3–6 months, endoscopy, otomicroscopy, impedance, ultrasound examination of abdominal organs, cervical and submandibular lymph nodes, serological and molecular genetic analyses of markers of EBV, CMV, HCV-6 in the blood; PCR in pharyngeal tonsil scrapings were performed.Results and discussion. The clinical picture in children with chronic lymphoproliferative syndrome of younger age was dominated by complaints of difficulty in nasal breathing, snoring in 42% of children, recurrent otitis in 58%, manifestations of asthenovegetative and intoxication syndromes and frequent acute respiratory viral infections in 70% of patients. A high degree of infection of children of the younger age group was revealed – HCV-6 in 87%, CMV in 63% of children, 46% – EBV. And high activity of the infectious process in 31% of patients for all three GVI, more often for EBV in 27%. A combination of two or three GVI was detected in 83% of patients. During instrumental examination, a high degree of hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoid vegetations of 2–3 degrees – 67% and 3 degrees – 18%, combined with hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils in 27% of cases), an increase in neck lymph nodes of more than 16mm, including lymph node packs in 28% of younger children and reactive hepatosplenomegaly in 17.7% of patients.Conclusion. To determine the tactics of management of chronic lymphoproliferative syndrome in young children, it is important to assess the severity of lymphoproliferative syndrome according to the clinical picture and instrumental research methods (nasopharyngeal endoscopy, ultrasound examination of neck and abdominal lymph nodes) in combination with laboratory data and characteristics of the stage of activity of the infectious process of herpesvirus etiology.

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