
The results of an empirical study of the features of post-traumatic growth of socionomic specialties students are presented in the article. The main requirements for specialists in helping professions are revealed: the ability to understand clients, provide emotional support, actively cooperate, help others in self-realization and make optimal decisions, etc. The emotional overload of specialists with such profiles in the conditions of war, as well as a decrease in the emotional state of higher education seekers, are shown. The importance of socionomic specialties students’ post-traumatic growth as a condition of personal readiness for future professional activity is explained. The results of the empirical research are summarized. Established such transformations related to the students’ experience of war events as a high level of growth in the value of life, low levels of changes in spiritual development, and attitude toward others. It is found that only a small number of students began to feel the inner strength and ability to overcome difficulties. The obtained data proved the insufficient personal readiness of higher education seekers to provide support to future clients. The hypothesis regarding a statistically significant relationship between indicators of post-traumatic growth (spiritual changes, index of post-traumatic growth, strength of personality, attitude towards others, and value of life) and the age of the interviewees is confirmed. The connection of age with the feeling of new opportunities and interests is not revealed. Hypotheses regarding a statistically significant relationship between the post-traumatic growth index and the chosen specialty, the post-traumatic growth index and the course of study are refuted. This emphasizes the need to clarify the internal factors of post-traumatic growth of socionomic specialties students.

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