
This article discusses the features of the functioning of the song genre in the creative practice of Aivo Ivi. The appeal of the Udmurt poets of the beginning of the XX century to the creation of literary songs, which were alterations, imitations, re-singing and stylization of folk songs, was a common phenomenon and played a positive role in the development of national literature. In this work, on the example of Aivo Ivi's creativity, the characteristic features of the poems-songs created by him are revealed. It is determined that his texts represent improvisation of folk songs with preservation of traditional plots, complicated by signs of time. In some cases, the popular melody of Russian songs was attracted by the Udmurt poet to "service" his compositions. In building the text on the basis of a simple plot line, the calculation for the ease of perception of information by the reader is obvious. It is established that the author's songs of Ivo Ivy went beyond the book existence. It is summarized that the song texts created by him as a whole were formed under the influence of socio-cultural trends and the previous song-poetic tradition. The "folk" form of poems, their adaptation to the tunes understandable to the illiterate population allowed the poet to realize ideological and educational meanings, were a way of creative self-realization, introducing the reader to the artistic word.

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