
The article presents the results of a study of the phenomenon of ideas about success in adolescence. The study analyzes the individual-typological and socio-psychological characteristics that affect the formation of ideas about success in adolescents living in Ukraine. The results of a study conducted online using the test of meaning of life orientations, the method of measuring self-esteem Dembo-Rubinstein, the questionnaire of the study of self-assessment of adolescent performance, the method of ranking areas of life by importance of success, the questionnaire "Incomplete Sentences" (Sacks, Levy) was conducted using the following methods of mathematical statistics in the program SPSS - 20: descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney test, Kraskel-Wallis test in a sample of 70 adolescents aged 15 to 17 years, who are students of secondary schools and gymnasiums in Kiev, confirm the presence of the connection between adolescents' perceptions of success and the peculiarities of their self-determination, expressed in the experience of life awareness, self-esteem and building a time perspective: adolescents who understand success as meeting external requirements and commitments are characterized by low self-confidence , underdeveloped goal setting, low awareness of life and lower self-esteem. Their image of the distant future is the least detailed and more uncertain. Adolescents who understand success as self-development and self-realization feel more confident and successful, able to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. They are characterized by high rates of satisfaction and awareness of life, which is manifested in the construction of a large number of life plans and the belief in the possibility of their successful implementation. Adolescents who understand success as social recognition and approval have a fairly high level of awareness of life and self-esteem, in the distant future for them are important relationships and achieving a certain social status. Today's teenagers define success as the achievement of goals, which brings a sense of satisfaction with the result and deserved happiness, because success requires overcoming obstacles and great efforts. It is work, not luck or the help of others, that is the key to success. For adolescents, success is more about personal growth and self-realization than about social recognition. When choosing examples of successful people, modern teenagers, first of all, focus on the adults around them (most often - members of their families), as well as representatives of modern show business, politicians and businessmen. For them, the image of a successful person is characterized, first of all, by career achievements, having a family and the presence of such personality traits that help a successful person to overcome difficulties and achieve goals and self-realization.

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