
Grounded on the comparison of consolidated maps of typical isoglosses, based on the material of more than 50 maps of distribution of lexical-semantic and phonetic phenomena in the dialects of Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, the article reveals opposing structural-territorial integrations within the dialectal continuum of Nadvirna region, defines zone of mixed-transitional sub-dialects of Hutsul-Pokuthian, Hutsul-Upperdnistrian, Upperdnistrian-Pokuthian types and describes their features. In particular, it is noted that sub-dialects located at the confluence of the Pokuthian and Upperdnistrian, Pokuthian and Hutsul, Upperdnistrian and Hutsul dialects appeared as a result of contact between genetically related dialects. Previous studies of dialectologists on mixed and transitional sub-dialects are analyzed. Characteristic features of transitional and mixed dialects are generalized from linguistic sources about transitional and mixed sub-dialects of different linguistic-territorial formations. It is established that sub-dialects, located in the contact zone of Hutsul, Upperdnistrian, Pokuthian dialects are a distinct type of sub-dialects – mixed-transitional, which combine features of mixed and transitional. It is found that mixed-transitional sub-dialects of dialectal adjacencies of Nadvirna region are characterized by combination of different dialectal features, extinction of vocabulary and semantics, which are characteristic of the nexus of dialects, the emergence of contaminated forms, active enrichment of sub-dialects with synonymous rows, preservation of archaic meanings. At the same time, their systems do not undergo radical changes, show signs of mechanical mixing of elements of adjacent dialects. Keywords: areology of Nadvirna region, transitional sub-dialects, mixed sub-dialects, mixed-transitional sub-dialects, dialect boundary.

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