
To study the course and types of migraine in various pre-cerebral angiodysplasias. There were 136 patients with migraine with pre-cerebral angiodysplasia- (MSA). All patients with MCA have an open circle of the Willis circle, due to hypoplasia or aplasia of key elements of the circle. Moreover, the most frequent hypo / aplasia of the posterior segments of the circle, specifically ZSA in 94 (25.4%) patients, significantly less hypo / aplasia of PSA - 27 (7.3%), combined hypo / aplasia of both the anterior and posterior sections Willis circle, occurred only in 15 (4.1%) patients. At the same time, with hypo / aplasia of ASD, in 64 (68%) cases, migraine with aura occurs and only in 30 (32%) cases is a simple form of migraine. Analysis of forms of migraine with aura revealed that ophthalmic (eye) form was observed in 49 (52.1%) patients and basilar in 15 (15.9%) patients. PSA hypo / aplasias compared with other types of angiodysplasias occurred in only 27 (7.3%), and in 20 patients a simple form of migraine was observed, amounting to 74.1%, and classic in 7 (25.9%). Combined angiodysplasia of PSA, DSSA, that is, hypo / aplasia of these arteries occurred in 15 patients, which was 4.1%. Moreover, among these patients in 1 (6.7%) cases a simple form of migraine was observed, and in 14 (93.3%) cases of migraine with aura. Conclusions: migraine can develop in patients with pre-cerebral angiodysplasia, in these cases, its shape depends on the type of angiodysplasia.

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