
Objective: to study the epidemiological and clinical and laboratory features of metapneumovirus (HMPV) and bokavirus infections (HBoV) in children. Materials and methods. We examined 772 children aged 1 month to 14 years, who were being treated for acute respiratory viral infections at the Kirov infectious diseases clinical hospital in 201 6—201 9. Diagnostics was performed by PCR in nasopharyngeal smears. Results. Among patients with a confirmed diagnosis, 53 (6.9%) had metapneumovirus infection, and 76 (9.8%) had bokavirus infection. Both groups were dominated by boys. HMPV was more often registered among children from one to three years of age, HBoV — in patients of the first year of life. Mixed infection was more common with HBoV in children of the first three years of life. These infections are characterized by damage to both the upper and lower respiratory tracts with the development of obstruction syndrome, which was more often observed in HBoV. Pneumonia was developed in half of the cases in both groups. Gastroenteritis was registered in patients with HMPV in 1 9% of cases, and in patients with HBoV in 1 3% of cases.


  • Objective: to study the epidemiological and clinical and laboratory features of metapneumovirus (HMPV) and bokavirus infections (HBoV) in children

  • We examined 772 children aged 1 month to 14 years, who were being treated for acute respiratory viral infections at the Kirov infectious diseases clinical hospital in 2016—2019

  • HMPV was more often registered among children from one to three years of age, HBoV — in patients of the first year of life

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Особенности метапневмовирусной и бокавирусной инфекции у детей

Цель: изучение эпидемиологических и клинико-лабораторных особенностей метапневмовирусной (HMPV) и бокавирусной инфекций (HBoV) у детей. Было обследовано 772 ребенка в возрасте от 1 месяца до 14 лет, проходящих лечение по поводу острых респираторных вирусных инфекций в Кировской инфекционной клинической больнице в 2016—2019 гг. Среди пациентов с подтвержденным диагнозом у 53 (6,9%) обнаружена метапневмовирусная, у 76 (9,8%) — бокавирусная инфекция. HMPV чаще регистрировалась среди детей в возрасте от года до трех лет, HBoV — у пациентов первого года жизни. Микст-инфекция чаще встречалась при HBoV у детей первых трех лет жизни. Для данных инфекций характерно поражение как верхних, так и нижних дыхательных путей с развитием синдрома обструкции, который чаще наблюдался при HBoV. У детей в обеих группах в половине случаев развивалась пневмония. У пациентов с HMPV в 19% случаев, а у пациентов с HBoV в 13% случаев зарегистрирован гастроэнтерит. Ключевые слова: бокавирус, метапневмовирус, острые респираторные вирусные инфекции, дети, госпитализация

Features of metapneumovirus and bocavirus infections in children
Материалы и методы исследования
Результаты и их обсуждение
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