
AlzGa1−zAs layers of various compositions were grown using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on a GaAs substrate with a pattern of alternating SiO2 mask/window stripes, each 100 µm wide. Microphotoluminescence maps and thickness profiles of AlzGa1−zAs layers that demonstrated the distribution of the growth rate and z in the window were experimentally studied. It was shown that the layer growth rate and the AlAs mole fraction increased continuously from the center to the edge of the window. It was experimentally shown that for a fixed growth time of 10 min, as z increased from 0 to 0.3, the layer thickness difference between the center of the window and the edge increased from 700 Å to 1100 Å, and the maximum change in z between the center of the window and the edge reached Δz 0.016, respectively. Within the framework of the vapor -phase diffusion model, simulations of the spatial distribution of the layer thickness and z across the window were carried out. It was shown that the simulation results were in good agreement with the experimental results for the effective diffusion length D/k: Ga—85 µm, Al—50 µm.

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