
Background. To date, the study of respiratory function in the clinic is limited, as a rule, to the determination of bronchial conduction indicators, as well as bronchodilation tests, which at the present stage is insufficient for a deep assessment of the functional state of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
 Aims. The development of personalized medical rehabilitation programs for patients who have undergone ischemic stroke at various stages of rehabilitation, including spa.
 Materials and methods. The article considers the effectiveness of the new method of treating neurological disorders in patients suffering from acute cerebral circulation disorder and having respiratory system function disorder at different stages of rehabilitation, based on the complex application of physiobalneotherapy, LFC and mechanotherapy in sanatorium and resort conditions.
 Results. After the course of using physical methods of treatment, patients with comorbid pathology showed improvement in health, relief of breathing, reduction of shortness of breath, cough, sputum production, disappearance of wheezing in the lungs.
 Conclusion. Patients in the early and late recovery period after acute cerebral circulation disorder with accompanying clinical-functional manifestations of respiratory pathology are shown to include in the rehabilitation complex general gasair carbon dioxide baths, nebulizer inhalations of broncho- and mucolytic preparations, as well as classes on a rowing simulator (rowing) against the background of standard drug therapy and therapeutic exercise in the hall.

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