
Aitracking technique is promising for its practical use in the training of aviation medicine specialists. The article presents the distinctive features of medical control over the state of health of the personnel of the air defense units, in the performance of which there are harmful factors of military labor. The procedure for organizing and conducting a medical examination of personnel at the stage of admission to combat duty during the period of joining combat duty, as well as the features of conducting an in-depth and control medical examination, conducting a medical examination of military personnel working under conditions of exposure to harmful factors of military labor, is considered. Military personnel who, according to the results of a medical examination revealed deviations in their state of health, are taken under dynamic observation, if any medical contraindications are identified, they will be removed from military duty. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the military personnel are sent for stationary examination to the military clinical hospitals of the military district and the military medical academy. Also, according to the results of medical control measures, the need for military and civilian personnel in medical and psychological rehabilitation is determined. If there is evidence, the personnel are sent for rehabilitation to the nearest sanatorium-resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense by decision of the military medical commission.

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