
To study the actual state of the organization of medical care for patients with the profile of «maxillofacial surgery» in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation in order to develop proposals for its optimization within the framework of a three-level system of medical care. We analyzed accounting and reporting materials characterizing the organization of medical care in the field of «Oral and maxillofacial surgery» to the population in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation. The population of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation is currently provided with accessible round-the-clock medical care in the field of maxillofacial surgery. The forces and means at the disposal of the district government allow this to be implemented. However, the article describes a number of obstacles to the provision of high-quality medical care in the field of maxillofacial surgery and suggests ways to eliminate them. Preparation of an Order defining the functioning of a three-level system of medical care for adults and children with maxillofacial pathology in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, as well as more effective use of telemedicine consultations will significantly improve the availability and quality of medical care.

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