
Aim. To improve outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with chronic cholecystitis and signs of “nonfunctioning” gallbladder via development of preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. Material and methods. Laparoscopic cholecystectomу was performed in 14 764 patients with chronic cholecystitis. Incidence and causes of intraoperative injury of extrahepatic bile ducts were retrospectively analyzed. Three basic forms of “non-functioning” gallbladder (hydropsy, sclerosis and atrophy, total filling by stones) were. Results. Biliary injury followed by bile leakage occurred in 38 (0.25%) cases. Intraoperative and early postoperative diagnosis was in 11 (28.9%) and 27 (71.1%) patients, respectively. Tangential trauma of common bile duct was found in 3 (7.8%) cases, complete intersection – in 8 (21%) patients. Herewith, 6 of them had sclerosis, 2 – total filling of gallbladder by stones. New diagnostic and curative approach was followed by only 2 (0.04%) cases of early postoperative bile leakage in 2010–2015. Injury of common bile duct was absent within the same period. Sclerosis and atrophy of gallbladder were diagnosed prior to surgery. Conclusion. There are 3 types of “non-functioning” gallbladder with risk of biliary trauma during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Sclerosis and atrophy of gallbladder are predominantly followed by certain difficulties during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. New diagnostic and curative approach is useful to prevent iatrogenic biliary trauma.


  • Characteristics of complications associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 14764 patients

  • Наружное желчеистечение при различных способах холецистэктомии: диагностика и лечение

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Материал и методы

В ГБУЗ СК “Ессентукская городская больница” выполнено 20 564 ЛХЭ. У 14 764 (71,8%) пациентов были диагностированы различные формы хронического воспаления ЖП, острый холецистит выявлен у 5800 (28,2%) больных. Вмешательству предшествовало стандартное обследование больных с использованием инструментальных методов исследования (рентгенография легких, УЗИ органов брюшной полости и ЭГДС). Задачами ретроспективного анализа результатов ЛХЭ были установление повреждения ВЖП и анализ причин осложнения. Оценку повреждений ВЖП проводили согласно классификации Европейской ассоциации эндоскопической хирургии (European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, EAES, 2013). Характеристика осложнений, возникших при лапароскопической холецистэктомии у 14 764 больных Table 1. Characteristics of complications associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 14764 patients. Формы хронического нефункционирующего желчного пузыря Table 2.

ЛХЭ при хроническом калькулезном холецистите
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