
AbstractFor sustainable agriculture and obtaining organic dairy raw materials, the results of the analysis of productivity and characteristics of lactation of first-calf Ayrshire cows depending on the level of productivity were carried out and presented. Milk productivity was assessed for 305 days of lactation. The increase in milk production corresponded to the increase in the number of milk days. The maximum monthly milk yield fell on the second and third months of lactation, with further stabilization of lactations from 5 to 8 months. Changes in the content of milk fat and protein by months of lactation were the same in all groups. The parameters of lactation curves were obtained on the basis of monthly milk-producing records. The cows of the first group had an average productivity of 6632 kg of milk. In cows of the second group, stabilization in lactation from 6 to 8 months was followed by a gradual decrease in milk yield. First-calf cows of the third group had the highest and most stable lactation curve, characterized by stabilization of lactation from 4 to 7 months. At the same time, the drop in milk yield was the lowest and amounted to 70.2%. The analysis of the data and the use of the indicated coefficients made it possible to assess the productive qualities of first-calf cows of the Ayrshire breed with the aim of further breeding and improving highly productive animals for sustainable agriculture.KeywordsEnvironment and milk productionAyrshire breedLactation curveMaintaining the lactation constancy

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