
Proceeding from the common human rights goals of the court and the prosecutor to achieve the appointment of criminal proceedings and the relationship of their powers in the pre-trial stages, the article discusses the content and features of the procedural interaction of these participants in the process of evidence. As an example, on the basis of an analysis of the procedure for consideration by the court of complaints in accordance with Article 125 of the Russian Code of Criminal Procedure, attention is drawn to the essence of the participation in evidence in such cases of the court and the prosecutor; the legal and law enforcement problems of the exercise of their powers and various options for their solution are proposed. At the same time, the importance of ensuring the correct combination of control and supervisory powers of these participants in the criminal process is indicated; moreover, taking into account the content of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Russian Federation on the category of materials updated in 2022, the need for a clearer legislative definition of the limits of evidence, increasing the assets, is justified. In addition, the directions of improving the procedure for considering such complaints, the need to comply with the sequence of their reception for consideration are specified. The study used general scientific methods (analysis, deduction) and private scientific methods (formal-logical, comparative jurisprudence, etc.). As conclusions, it is proposed to make a number of additions to the criminal procedure law, including Article 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and other norms.

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