
The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation have developed a system of retraining and advanced training of personnel for the agricultural sector. At the same time, at present, the following problems are highlighted in the staffing of the agro- industrial complexes of Belarus and Russia: insufficient level of professionalism and qualifi cations of a signifi cant part of employees, high turnover of managers and specialists, low effi ciency of work with the reserve of managers in terms of the selection of candidates and further use in managerial work; low rates of transfer of scientifi c achievements and innovative technologies in the educational process and production, insuffi cient readiness of many managers and specialists to implement modern digital technologies in agricultural production, "aging" of frames, insuffi cient practical preparedness of young specialists for independent work in market conditions. Thus, the problem of the formation of human resources corresponding to the requirements of modern production, prepared for the eff ective management of the agro-industrial complex, increasing its competitiveness in the international market, ensuring food security of the Union State has not been fully solved. The Unified Agrarian Policy forms fundamentally new requirements for the agro-industrial complex of Belarus and Russia in the field of ensuring food security of the Union State. Increasing the competitiveness of agribusiness organizations in both domestic and international agricultural markets can be achieved through the development of human capital of the agro-industrial complex, the formation of professional competencies of managers and specialists able to ensure the organization of cost-eff ective production and management. The solution of these problems at the level of the Union State is possible through the development and implementation of the program "Additional professional education of managers and specialists of the agro-industrial complex of the Union State of Belarus and Russia for 2023–2030". The adoption of the program will make it possible to bring bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sector to a qualitatively new level, increase the sustainability and efficiency of the development of agro-industrial complexes of the two countries, expand the capabilities of producers to more fully provide processing enterprises with their own raw materials, and the domestic market with high-quality food products.

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