
FEATURES OF HYPOGLYCEMIC EFFECT OF DRY EXTRACT FROM THE DANDELION ROOTS AND RHIZOMES DEPENDING ON THE DOSE M. A. Ezhned 1 , T. A. Hroshovyi 2 , О. М. Horoshko 1 Bukovynian State Medical University 1 , Chernivtsi Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 2 Introduction. Diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications remains one of the most serious health, social and economic problems of modern health care. In the structure of endocrine diseases diabetes mellitus takes about 60-70%. The mortality in risk group increases by 25%. Today in the world about 382 million people suffer from diabetes, and by 2035, according to the International Diabetes Federation, this figure will increase by 55%, mainly due to patients with diabetes type 2. Among the drugs of official medicine are one-component: blueberry shoots, fruit beans leaves and multi compound preparations: Arphasetin, Phytoglunor. One of the most promising medicinal plants with hypoglycemic action is dandelion. The aim of this work was to study dry extract of the roots and rhizomes dandelion depending on the dose in terms of glucose load using intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (VTTH). Materials and methods . For research was used dry extract of dandelion roots and rhizomes in 60% extractant with intragastric administration in 1% starch paste. For comparing was chosen collection Arphasetin, in which includes a set of biologically active substances, which shows hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus type II. Results and discussion. Comparing with the original data, the intraperitoneal administration of glucose at a dose of 3 g / kg led to development of acute hyperglycemia, which manifested in significant increase of glucose level in all groups of animals. Thus, in rats of control group the blood glucose was higher at 2.02 times compared with baseline. Oral administration of dry extract of the roots and rhizomes of dandelion to diabetic rats significantly reduced blood glucose as compared with control group. According to our results was found that the single dose of the extract at a dose of 0.8 mg / kg of glucose increased only in 1.34 times, at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg - in 1.23 times, at a dose of 0.12 mg / kg - in 1.29 times, with increasing the dose of the extract to 0.22 mg / kg glucose levels are increased, which manifested itself in increasing the difference between the experimental data and outp According to our experiment should be noted that the smallest difference between the level of glucose in animals that received glucose load and baseline, and a model of the pathology was observed in the group of animals injected with dandelion extract at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg, as evidenced by indicators of hypoglycemic action. Thus, in animals injected with extract at a dose of 0.08 mg / kg the hypoglycemic effect was 39.4%, respectively, in the group of animals that received the extract at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg - 40.06%. Further, with increasing doses of dandelion dry extract hypoglycemic effect is reduced from 38.29% (0.12 mg / kg) to 30.08% (0.22 mg / kg) respectively. In the group of animals who received the comparator (collection Arphasetin) hypoglycemic effect was 16%. So the most hypoglycemic effect was after using the dandelion extract in a dose of 0.1 mg / kg, which was experimentally proved as compared with the original data (in 1.23 times) and control (in 1.66 times), and as compared to Arphasetin the hypoglycemic effect was higher at 24.06%, or 2.5 times. Conclusions: 1. In experiments was found that the most hypoglycemic effect showed the dandelion dry extract at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg. 2. Increasing of concentrations of dandelion dry extract leads to a decrease of hypoglycemic action.

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