
Relevance. The interrelation of the state of the upper gastrointestinal tract with the change of bone mineral density (BMD) is proved. It is known that hormonal regulation plays a key role against the background of complicated gastroduodenal pathology. Its effect on target organs hormones are mediated by specific receptors, but the level of expression of steroid hormone receptors and vitamin D in acid-dependent diseases of the stomach and in concomitant metabolic disorders in bone tissue remains not sufficiently investigated.Intention.The aim is to study the content of steroid hormone receptors and vitamin D in the duodenal mucosa and their hormones in blood serum in patients of different age groups with acid-dependent diseases of the stomach and changes in IPC.Methodology– 30 rescuers of EMERCOM of Russia – men aged 23 to 54 years 30 [27; 32] and 74 liquidators of consequences of accident on Chernobyl NPP (ChNPP) aged from 55 to 80 years 59 [55; 71] were examined. Histological examination of duodenal mucosa, immunohistochemical study of vitamin d receptors (DR), androgens (AR), estrogens alpha (ER-α) and beta (ER-β), progesterone (PR) and glucocorticoids (GR) and their hormones in the blood.Results and Discussion.All patients were diagnosed with chronic gastritis and chronic duodenitis. Violation of IPC and osteopenic syndrome was found in 40 % (12) of rescuers and 64.8 % (48) of liquidators. It was found that in duodenal mucosa in liquidators of consequences at ChNPP, receptors DR (74 %), AR (52.7 %) and ER-β (37.8%) are statistically reliably detected, and PR (0 %) and GR (0 %) are not determined in comparison with patients of rescue group, respectively DR (30 %), AR (0 %) and ER-β (0 %), PR (73.3 %), GR (73.3 %) (p < 0.001) Statistically significant correlation between decrease of IPC and osteopenic syndrome in liquidators with AR and ER-β in mucosa and decrease of testosterone and estradiol in blood was revealed. Whereas in rescuers, these manifestations are associated with the presence of PR and GR in the mucosa and the normal level of hormones in the blood serum (p < 0.05). Cytoplasmic localization of PR and DR receptors may indicate a violation of the mechanism of binding of progesterone to its receptor at the cellular and molecular level and the participation of vitamin d in the pathogenesis of osteopathic syndrome.Conclusion.The revealed differences of hormone-receptor interactions in osteopenic syndrome in liquidators of consequences at ChNPP, on the one hand, and in men (without radiation factor), rescuers, do not exclude both the commonality of its pathogenesis, presenting different stages characteristic of different age groups, and the presence of two multidirectional mechanisms of osteoporosis development, which requires further study.


  • Its effect on target organs hormones are mediated by specific receptors, but the level of expression of steroid hormone receptors and vitamin D in acid-dependent diseases of the stomach and in concomitant metabolic disorders in bone tissue remains not sufficiently investigated

  • It was found that in duodenal mucosa in liquidators of consequences at Chernobyl NPP (ChNPP), receptors d receptors (DR) (74 %), AR (52.7 %) and ER-β (37.8%) are statistically reliably detected, and PR (0 %) and GR (0 %) are not determined in comparison with patients of rescue group, respectively DR (30 %), AR (0 %) and ER-β (0 %), PR (73.3 %), GR (73.3 %) (p < 0.001) Statistically significant correlation between decrease of IPC and osteo penic syndrome in liquidators with AR and ER-β in mucosa and decrease of testosterone and estradiol in blood was revealed. These manifestations are associated with the presence of PR and GR in the mucosa and the normal level of hormones in the blood serum (p < 0.05)

  • Cytoplasmic localization of PR and DR receptors may indicate a violation of the mechanism of binding of progesterone to its receptor at the cellular and molecular level and the participation of vitamin d in the pathogenesis of osteopathic syndrome

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Результаты и их анализ

В табл. 1 представлено количество пози тивных случаев выявления у обследованных пациентов рецепторов при иммуногистохими ческом исследовании. У пациентов 1-й группы в слизистой оболочке двенадцатиперстной кишки статистически достоверно в 2,4 раза чаще выявлялись рецепторы GR и PR в срав нении с рецепторами DR и не определялись рецепторы AR, ER-α и ER-β. Тогда как у всех пациентов 2-й группы в слизистой оболочке двенадцатиперстной кишки были обнаружены рецепторы DR, реже. Выявление рецепторов в слизистой оболочке двенадцатиперстной кишки пациентов, n (%). Различия по всем рецепторам между группами были статистически достоверными (p < 0,001). Рецепторы стероидных (ER-β и AR) гормо нов, PR, GR и DR в слизистой оболочке две надцатиперстной кишки характеризуются по стоянством их содержания и в эпителиоцитах ворсинок, криптах и дуоденальных (брунне ровых) железах с двумя типами локализации: ядерной – для ER, AR и GR и цитоплазматиче ской – для DR и PR. На рисунке представлена локализация ER-β и DR в слизистой оболочке двенадцатиперстной кишки

По степени интенсивности экспрессии в слизистой оболочке двенадцатиперстной
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