
Mineralogy of diamondiferous eclogite xenolites showing metasomatosis evidence from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe is discussed. The paper also reviews features of diamonds they contain, compositions of primary garnets and omphacites as well as alteration of structural and species compositions of original garnets and clinopyroxenes during metasomatosis. Based on pyrope structure update, two-phase garnet composition is suggested, which is mostly represented by complex pyrope associated with Ca-pyrope. In all samples, primary omphacite is replaced by another clinopyroxene variety depleted in Na2O, which is typical of partial melting products. Geothermometry results suggested that the eclogites formed within a temperature range of 1,000–1,2000 °C. Based on diamond morphology, data on total N content in diamonds and its aggregation, multiple stages of diamond formation in eclogites and the most probable growth of later diamond generations impacted by metasomatizing mantle fluids containing carbon are postulated. It is suggested that certain diamond formation stages probably had a time gap of several hundred million years.

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