
In today's economic environment it is becoming increasingly important integrated structure, including in construction, whose main purpose is the integration of tangible and intangible assets aimed at economic development.The article discusses the features of formation and functioning of the integrated structures in construction on example of public-private partnerships by building a cluster model of the organization. Given the confirmation of the world practice of study of these questions of foreign and Russian scientists. Examines the key aspects of the use of public-private partnerships, namely the state regulation of investment and construction activities. Refers to the concept of integration (vertical, horizontal) in terms of cluster models of organization allowing to systematically develop a certain territory, through the implementation of major investment and construction projects. Which will allow to use the whole building, investment, intermediary, scientific, educational, public and other organizations in the region. In conclusion, it should be noted that the application of this strategic tool as integration in investment and construction activities, it is possible to create a quality urban environment which will provide the regions with new jobs, to quality of production, housing and infrastructure facilities, thereby increasing the standard of living of the population.

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