
This article discusses the issue of improving the performance of fine-grained concrete by using composite binders. In particular, in this study, sodium silicate (water glass) is considered as an additive to Portland cement, which gives concrete products an increased thermal resistance. The article describes in detail the behavior of fine-grained concrete after its mechanical activation with sodium silicate solution, and also describes the processes occurring in the body of the concrete mixture during mechanical activation. It should be expected that the performance characteristics of fine-grained concrete depend on the concentration of water glass and the time of its mechanical activation. The research method used is analysis, synthesis, generalization of reference and scientific literature, followed by an experiment. To study the effect of mechanical activation of a liquid glass solution on the structure-forming processes occurring in cement stone, the method of differential thermogravimetric analysis was applied. The results of this analysis and its interpretation are presented. In conclusion, information is provided on the compaction of the structure of a concrete stone.

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